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Posting an ad on is free! However, all ads must follow our rules:

  1. Make sure you post in the correct category.
  2. Do not post the same ad more than once or repost an ad within 48 hours.
  3. Do not upload pictures with watermarks.
  4. Do not post ads containing multiple items unless it's a package deal.
  5. Do not put your email or phone numbers in the title or description.
  6. Make sure you post in the correct category.
  • When will my ad expire?

    During the ad posting process, you have the option to choose the expiration date for your ad. The default setting is 1 week. Available expiration deadlines are 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month,3 months,6 months, 12 months. If you would like to change the expiration date of your ad simply log in to your account and go to the Your Stuff page. From there, select which ad you want to change and click "Edit". Scroll down to the "Expire on" field where you can change the expiration date for your ad. When you are done making changes to your ad, click the "Finished" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.